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Professional Contestants

Jul 30, 2018

You thought the podcast discussions about Bubble Gum Trolls and throwing food at cats were the most ridiculous thing around? Wait until you hear what ol’ Sethward the Walrus Man is up to.

Zach discusses the Absurdist movement, Jared eats some jelly, and Adam craves good physical comedy.

Talking Points Include: The...

Jul 25, 2018

It may be Shark Week, but the only Sharks the Contestants care about are the ones strapped with cash and knee-deep in Party Wine. So get ready to invest listeners, as we pitch you a product you never knew you needed: the ability to smell just like Brenden Frasier.

Zach does birthday chores, Jared starts a hotline, and...

Jul 22, 2018

Ay, whatcha got there? Your fancy money-cab needs a tow? Well ya pals ova at the ProCo Towing Agency can help you no problem….. SIKE: YOU’RE ON THE BUCK TRUCK NERD!!! NOW ANSWER OUR RIDDLES!!!

Zach doesn’t know New York, Jared is exhausted, and Adam drops the Corn Bread rap we’ve all been waiting for.


Jul 11, 2018

The Contestants are all really busy, alright! Get off their backs! Check out this highlight reel from some of our earliest episodes.

Zach doesn’t really know much about audio editing, Jared has an hour commute in the mornings, and Adam never gets off work before 9:00 PM.

Talking Points Include: The Price is Right,...

Jul 2, 2018

With the opportunity to lie directly to celebrities in front of all of America, The Contestants discover the chance to usurp some celebs and make a long overdue dramatic sequel.

Zach becomes Sean Bean, Jared becomes Joel McHale, and Adam becomes Sarah Silverman.

Talking Points Include: Two Realies and One Falsie,...